From our friends at Apex Welding Safety – an important update…

There is officially a lower Workplace Exposure Standard for Welding Fume in Australia. In September 2023, SafeWork Australia voted to lower the Workplace Exposure Standard for Welding Fume from 5mg/m3 to 1mg/m3. In January 2024, Work Health and Safety Ministers endorsed the decision to change legislation in Australia. All workplaces must now comply with the new lower limit by law. This new limit applies to welders and anyone who works around welders. If you are a welder, work with welders, know a welder, or employ welders, it’s important that you educate yourself on what has changed and what can be done to reduce exposure to welding fume. You can read all about it here! Call our stores on 1300 AITKEN (248 536) for any of your welding and industrial safety needs including helmets, gloves, jackets, glasses ect. |